Monday, December 15, 2008

All that she wants.

It was a sad day when I realized how many rites of passage that I have let pass me by.
Get ready to feel better about your own lives.

1. Braces.
2. Spin the Bottle.
3. a First Date.
4. a First Breakup.
5. Prom.
6. Moving into a DormRoom.
7. Tailgate Parties.
8. Not Seeing the Following Movies:

It's a Wonderful Life
Jurassic Park.
Back to the Future.
A Christmas Story.
Never Ending Story.
Princess Bride.
Indiana Jones.

Looks like I have a lot to do in 2009.


  1. I haven't done 2,3,4,6,7 I almost didn't do number 5 but then I got nominated for prom court so I kind of had to go.

    And I have only done part of 8, I haven't seen Back to the Future
    A Christmas Story
    Princess Bride
    Indiana Jones

    We must be lame.

  2. Well braces suck. First dates are awkward... especially if you have braces. As far as that movie list goes... I'll pray for you.
