Today is Valentines Day.
I will now run through my top 4 memories from Valentine's Day Past:
4. Working at American Eagle one year, I looked up to see a dad giving his son a hug. What's so magical about said hug you ask? Well, this particular hug involved a fairly normal looking son being hugged ever so carefully, by his dad that had made the interesting decision to go with two hooks instead of any.other.option.
3. In the fifth grade my school was selling Valentine Grams for a dollar. You could send as many as you wanted to whoever you wanted. My best friend got FOURTEEN. I got TWO. One from my best friend and one from Randy, the one kid in class that still smelled like pee.
2. A few years back Gene Simmons asked me to dance on Valentine's Day. I said yes.
and number one:
1. Okay, well number one hasn't happened yet, but here is what my number one will be. Someday a grown man dressed as cupid will come to my office and hopefully sing me a song. Preferably a romantic song at that. Maybe he'll bring flowers. Maybe he'll bring chocolates. But he will have wings.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Live Long and Prosper.
I dedicate this Valentine's Day to Randy.