Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dear Creepster McGee,

Yes, we can see you watching the entire Zumba class.
They are glass doors.
We are not Tyrannosaurus Rexs.
Just because you are standing still, does not mean we can't see you.
Please know that the ladies of the Saturday Noon Zumba Class are on the look out for you and your creep face.
We've sketched your face with and without a mustache.
Please watch someone else shake their bon bon.

Please see us never.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

February is for Bears.


Dear January,

You have been nice, but not that nice.
Let's get on to February.
The month where it's perfectly acceptable to admire people secretly, buy giant
red teddy bears with sentimental messages stitched into their mid section, and to
see Never Say Never. Twice.
"But I will trust in your unfailing love. My heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me."
Psalm 13.5&6

see you never january.xo.not.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Dear Diary,

Today I got relationship advice from an older woman.
Who I had never carried a conversation with before.
She advised me to stay far away from men. She said they are bad news.
Only after one thing.
Okay maybe two things.
She told me to stay focused. (she didn't specify on what)
She told me that sometimes men need to find themselves before they can do anything else.
And sometimes men don't think with their brain.

All of that to say, I learned a lot from this nice lady.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011


Today I made chocolate chip cookies.

Saw my favorite ladies. In Nashville.

Had Peter's. I love Sushi.

Listened to Shadowfeet on repeat.

Thanks Martin Luther King Junior for having a dream, so that I could have the best day ever.
Okay, not ever.
But maybe of 2011.
I'll be funny again soon.
Don't give up.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well, 2011 has started off a little sad.
But then again, so did 2010.

Sometimes the beginning of a new year has to suck a little, to make me get up and make something happen.

In 2010 I...

- Learned to Rock Climb.
- Saw all the Star Trek movies worth seeing. (all but number 1)
- Made it onto the LOST DVD SET.
- Was the FIRST rec director for RECHARGE CAMP.
- Got a BIG GIRL Job where I wear Business Suits.
- Met Conan O'Brien (yes, I am still talking about it).
- Wrote my first script. and no it wasn't very good.
- Gave myself a haircut. and yes, it was awesome.
- Taught Zumba.
- Got @ replied to by Donald Miller.
- Had my first boyfriend (my grandma will die happy)(hopefully not soon).
and last, but not least
- Ran a half marathon without peeing my pants.

2011 will...

- have dancing. so.much.dancing.
- Chicago Marathon.
- Graduation. Finally. Yes I took the scenic route. Very Scenic.
- Birthday on the Beach.
- Finishing my first book. It is real.

See you never 2010.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Well this is when I learned to upload a photo from my computer.
Friends for Life.

And this is when I learned how to upload a picture from another website.
And how could I not upload this sweet tigre. (that's spanish)

Friday, January 14, 2011

January is for Fireworks

I have grown up with a birthday on the fourth of july. Every year my birthday party looked like the exact same party with a different version of the bowl cut; Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Cake, and Fireworks. Here's the thing, I've always been bitter about my birthday, until now.
I have been bitter about a lot of things.

Until now.

My best friends and I came up with January is for Fireworks after sitting down for one of our besties bdays for gigantic helpings of pizza. We sat there for a solid hour throwing around ideas of what on earth January could be for.
New Beginnings? No, too obvious.
Toots? No, too weird, Erin. (I'm pretty sure that is an exact quote)
Goldfish? No, Erin.

January is for Fireworks. January is celebration. January is for new decisions. January is for realizing that your brother may give you fireworks every year for your birthday, but the truth is that he is my brother and he LOVES ME.

Bitter is funny. Bitter means that if you think the worse possible scenario and it comes true, you win. You saw it coming, so take that.


I will be thankful for every moment my parents loved me. Love me. I will be thankful for every thoughtful card my brother has sent me. I will be so thankful for my friends who understand that sometimes all I need is Revolutionary War facts recited to me so that I can stop thinking about how scary the road is that I'm on, and focus on how little I remember from history class.

Monday, January 10, 2011

two years.

It's almost been two years since I even looked at this blog thing.
Recently I've begun to feel a new feeling called "blog envy."
Everybody else is doing it.
I want in.
But first things first.
I need a new blog design. This green
Also, I need a new picture.
My black and white picture from 2008 is not hip.
I need to be hip.
I also need to learn how to put pictures on here.
The people need pictures.
That is all I can think of for now.
See you never.