Friday, January 14, 2011

January is for Fireworks

I have grown up with a birthday on the fourth of july. Every year my birthday party looked like the exact same party with a different version of the bowl cut; Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Cake, and Fireworks. Here's the thing, I've always been bitter about my birthday, until now.
I have been bitter about a lot of things.

Until now.

My best friends and I came up with January is for Fireworks after sitting down for one of our besties bdays for gigantic helpings of pizza. We sat there for a solid hour throwing around ideas of what on earth January could be for.
New Beginnings? No, too obvious.
Toots? No, too weird, Erin. (I'm pretty sure that is an exact quote)
Goldfish? No, Erin.

January is for Fireworks. January is celebration. January is for new decisions. January is for realizing that your brother may give you fireworks every year for your birthday, but the truth is that he is my brother and he LOVES ME.

Bitter is funny. Bitter means that if you think the worse possible scenario and it comes true, you win. You saw it coming, so take that.


I will be thankful for every moment my parents loved me. Love me. I will be thankful for every thoughtful card my brother has sent me. I will be so thankful for my friends who understand that sometimes all I need is Revolutionary War facts recited to me so that I can stop thinking about how scary the road is that I'm on, and focus on how little I remember from history class.

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